As described in an earlier blog post, many vultures try to benefit from the brainwashing of victims of scams like Lyoness. Thanks to David Brear, this clip which presents a nice example of an obvious follow-up scam was found. People enrolled in pyramid schemes, and see their dreams of unlimited wealth shattering in front of their eyes, are persuaded to purchase expensive software programs that allegedly produce an unlimited amount of high quality sales leads. Such a system, the propagandists claim, will considerably increase your chances to recruit the necessary amount of people to make a profit. This encourages people staying within an obvious pyramid scheme and enrolling others to join as well. However, the systems are usually effectively valueless and often constitute a pyramid scheme on their own.
For decades, the criminogenic phenomenon of 'Income Opportunity' racketeering has provided a never-ending supply of deluded victims for all-manner of opportunist charlatans (large and small) to feed off.
ReplyDeleteIt's always difficult to know who lurks behind grinning human parasites like the guy in this video.
It is interesting to note that when a rich source of gold was discovered in California in 1848-49, instead of going prospecting himself, a local opportunist businessman made sure that the news was spread as widely, and quickly, as possible. As a result, huge numbers of would-be millionaires rushed to California from all over the world. In total, much more money was made by the minority of businesses that were selling materials and services (at hugely-inflated prices) to the prospectors, than from all the tons of gold that were extracted.
David Brear (copyright 2013)