
American managing director of Lyoness convicted fraudster?

Plattform Lyoness has just reported the breaking news that managing director of Lyoness Americas, Mario Hoffmann, was formerly involved in the convicted Austrian pyramid scheme 'DESCO'. According to their information, Hoffmann and three accomplices were found guilty of operating the scam. 'DESCO' was hiding behind a redundant and apparently not-existing corporate front that organised 'seminars' of all sorts.

Particularly many young Austrians were enticed to invest thousands of euros for the promise of incredible future rewards, if they would only bring in their family and friends. Much like Lyoness now, 'DESCO' had a controversial reputation at best, before being completely wiped out, with the Chambers of Labour of Wien and Niederösterreich, several established media and even members of parliament questioning the 'company's' motives.

There is reason to believe that the same scam formerly operated under the name 'DESCO' persisted long afterwards, perhaps with the same people (informally) running it.


  1. Speaking of convicted fraudsters, perhaps you have the resources to check into a Bob Bedford, a supposed IRS tax expert from Florida who was in town today peddling this scam. A Google search shows a Bob Bedford from Florida who was convicted for tax fraud because he was giving advice on how to illegally use offshore schemes to avoid taxes.

    1. Thanks. Is this the guy you're referring to?


    2. That's the guy I'm thinking of. Just wondering if there is a way to determine whether he was the guy in town today peddling Lyoness. Or perhaps you already know of him based on your own investigations.

    3. If you've seen him yourself, you can perhaps visually compare him to the picture on his LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/reg/join-pprofile?_ed=0_dHB8G4tKSI1eNkyEd3uBk2dzQE2AkVU1r9kHbXjxPZG8L_B7dM6oBKua7iqek86xUnHdZUgiPlfps08kUJEQJp35qnZdjeaFYr1apwpqBYz&trk=ndir_viewmore. Otherwise, we haven't been able to establish a solid connection either.

      Ps. we'd probably better continue this via e-mail. If you leave your address, we'll contact you there. Obviously, we won't publish it.

    4. Americans can be so stupid. Look at the people who Lyoness has sent to America
      Mario Hoffman - He apparently has duped people before, can barely speak English, doesn't come off as particularly bright because he's not.
      Silvio Spangl - Auto mechanic who seems better suited to managing a McDonalds than a corporation.

      By the way, the picture you've posted above of Mario Hoffman who is with Lyoness founder Friedl. The third person is Matt Chang who is another chiropractor affiliated with Rik Wahlrab another chiropractor and the first Level 7 member of Lyoness America and Pam Lewko, who is essentially a brainless mom who has been involved in more than 1 multi marketing scam. Funny how chiropractor's buy the Lyoness idea so readily.....Chiropratic science, Like Lyoness, is a huge scam itself...ironic

  2. I'm wondering if anyone can provide more information about Mario Hoffmann. Is there any official document that you can provide to that point? All I've been able to find is news articles and nothing official. I want to expose this idiot on American websites. I think he is a fake and if there is any official information about this involvement with DESCO, I would like to expose him. Thanks

    1. Obviously, such information was all removed from the internet to prevent people finding out about this.
